Students & Educators

"Isn't it a little early for me to be thinking about my career?!"

Thinking about your career while in middle or high school may seem a little "early", but as you likely know your school counselors are working with you or will be working with you soon on putting together your academic and career plan. The idea behind the academic and career plan is to help you be as prepared as possible for your next steps after graduation, whether that's going right to work or enrolling in a four year college or university. The middle and high school classes and extracurricular activities that will best prepare you for your future will be quite different depending on whether you'd like to be say a journalist vs. a doctor.

Everyone's path is different. The Career ChoICE resources are here to help you plan YOUR path to a successful future.

A great place to start when thinking about what you might like to do as a career is to ask yourself the question: What am I really good at doing?

You may excel in the classroom, on the field, on the stage, or even all three. You may be good at playing board and video games; putting together puzzles or models; making baked goods, jewelry or other crafts; camping, fishing, biking, or hiking; or convincing your friends there is nothing more fun than going on the scariest roller coaster. Regardless of your talents and interests in or out of the classroom, you have an opportunity to turn these skills into something more: Your job. Choosing a career that aligns with YOUR interests & talents will set you on a path to success. The challenge lies in figuring out just what careers might be a good fit for someone with your passions and skills.

Career ChoICE is here to help you explore a multitude of career clusters and occupations right here in our region that match your talents and dreams for the future.


School FAQ Video


The Career ChoICE Pre-Survey

The three schools/grade levels with the highest percentage of survey completers will earn $100 VISA gift cards awarded to school/grade level (not per person). (Only those schools/grade levels attending the Expo are eligible.)

The Career ChoICE Expo Pre-Survey is available through the MajorClarity platform.


Virtual Career ChoICE Resources

Career ChoICE Booklet

Career Cluster Videos

Career Cluster Panels

The Career ChoICE booklet contains information on Career Assessments, General Career Pathways, Essential Skills, Benefits, Cost of Living, Employment in our Region, and deep dives into each of the seventeen career clusters. Each career cluster summary contains: a cluster overview, a young professional profile, a link to a career cluster related resource, & three occupation snapshots (the two largest in our region and one popular interest). All data presented in the booklet regarding soft skills, demand, wages, etc. are specific for the Career ChoICE footprint.

These videos highlight regional businesses and organizations in the Career ChoICE footprint highlighting each of the seventeen career clusters.

Highlighted organizations share their locations, number & types of employees hired, what they look for in employees, etc.

Interviewees also share what they love about their jobs and advice for young people who might be interested in their field.

Virtual Career Cluster Panels will feature professionals working in each of the seventeen career clusters as well as regional education/training providers.

A moderator will facilitate the discussions, but students are highly encouraged to submit questions during the LIVE panel or, if a student cannot participate in the live discussion, to submit questions through the linked form (coming soon) at least two days before the scheduled panel.