Our Story

Career ChoICE was created in 2014 as a strategic key in assisting the region’s students in making informed decisions around their academic and career plans. The first Career ChoICE Youth Expo was held at the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex in Chatham, served six school divisions and hosted just under 4,000 students. Since then we have grown to two event locations (Chatham & Hampden-Sydney) and engage 6,500+ middle & high school students in fourteen school divisions, throughout GO Virginia Region 3, in the communities of Danville & Martinsville and Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Patrick, Pittsylvania, & Prince Edward counties.

The Institute for Advanced Learning & Research serves as the program's primary organizer, working with a planning committee consisting of representatives from each of the fourteen participating school divisions and the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center. The Career ChoICE planning team invites employers from across the region to expose students to real-life career choices in their respective and surrounding communities through hands on experiences.  

Our goal is to have students making informed decisions about what classes and extracurricular activities they pursue to position themselves well for future employment and to show students that they do not have to leave the region to find that employment.  

Career ChoICE is an opportunity for the region to build a pipeline of students in strategic sectors that are aligned with economic development interests.  

Career ChoICE  is a pivotal event that can make a difference in the lives of our emerging workforce. 

Click HERE for videos from other event years.